Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Yeah, I'm a Mom...

Is it wrong that I have been
eating Flavor Blasted Goldfish
out of a bucket because
that's where Talon dumped the whole bag?
I couldn't just throw them away...
they're way too good!


candi said...

flavor blasted are by far the best!!! I would NEVER throw them away!!! Good move with the bucket

Melanie said...

oh good! i feel better now. i was actually laughing at myself thinking about it. :)

Aimee said...

I've never had the flavor blasted, but I'd for sure save the regular in a bucket!

mommy to an angel said...

I'm picturing some dirty old bucket - I'm sure that's not the case though.

Melanie said...

it's from the bathtub - probably pretty clean. :)

aim, you're the one that told me to try the flavor blasted ones. you're the reason i'm eating them out of a bucket instead of throwing them away!