Saturday, June 10, 2006

Chalk & Showers

My boys have a new love for sidewalk chalk and the shower afterwards. They chalked the whole driveway with my help of course. I can't help it. I love sidewalk chalk too. There's something calming about coloring on the driveway. :) Thanks to Auntie Kristin for the awesome new chalk sprayer/brush (which is really like paint that dries into chalk - Ben LOVES that) and the bucket of chalk with 20 really good, bright colors! We (and I really do mean WE) love it!


Anonymous said...

Hey...Love the chalk art :o) Next time I come I've got to get some chalk time in! LoL

Melanie said...

Oh definitely. It is so great! We (I mean me and you) would have a blast! I guess we'll let Simon and Ben have a few colors to...

Unknown said...

Addy likes chalk too... but she hasn't mastered drawing or coloring. Instead, she carries it around, taps it on the ground and then transports it from location to location in the "trunk" of her little car. Silly gal.

Melanie said...

Simon constantly has chalk in the seat of his little bike or the back of the cozy coupe. Funny! And Ben is a busy-body. He likes to have a project so he's always moving it from place to place too. :)